

How to use automation in my business – The Northern Affinity Podcast

How to Use Automation in Your Business: An Insight from Jamie Marshall of Everon

The world of business is constantly changing and evolving, with technology playing a major role in driving this change. Automation has become a buzzword in the business world and for good reason. Automation can streamline processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

Recently, Jamie was featured on The Northern Affinity podcast where he shared his insights on the use of automation in businesses. 

During the podcast, Jamie discussed the various ways businesses can use automation to improve their operations. He stressed that automation should not be seen as a replacement for staff but rather as a tool to support and enhance them. Jamie also highlighted that automation can be used in various aspects of a business, including marketing, sales, finance, and customer service.

Finally, Jamie emphasized the importance of selecting the right automation tools for your business. He advised businesses to conduct a thorough evaluation of their processes before choosing an automation solution. The goal should be to select a solution that meets the specific needs of the business and aligns with its long-term goals.

Take a listen on Spotify or watch on the YouTube link below:


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